(604) 922-2030 info@waterfrontgroup.com


The LH Property lies within a Triassic/Jurassic sedimentary/volcanic roof pendant lying with granodiorite intrusives of the Nelson Batholith. The sedimentary rocks consist of the Slocan Group of

LH Property Geology
LH Property Geology

sediments which consist of a flysch sequence of immature sandstones, siltstones and shales. The Slocan sediments conformably underlie Rossland Volcanics which consist of a chaotic sequence of intermediate tuff, lapilli tuff and agglomerate.

Detailed mapping revealed a series of alteration zones across the large package of pyroclastics forming the ridge. From the east side where the tuff and agglomerate is relatively unaltered, alteration increases gradually to the west, distinguished by an increase in biotite hornfels alteration, chlorite and hornblende alteration with local potassic and sericite alteration. On the west side, the intensity of alteration increases to form zones of well-developed biotite hornfels and pyroxene and epidote calc- silicates in the southwest corner of the ridge. In addition, pervasive silicification throughout a wide central zone forms the steep ridge running approximately north- south. This zone is important as it is the primary host to sulphides associated with anomalous gold mineralization.

Gold mineralization occurs in structurally controlled mesothermal quartz veins along with pyrite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite. Gold also occurs in a stockwork zone of silicified and hornfelsed volcanics. This mineralization is associated primarily with pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite, and minor chalcopyrite.